Solar Sigils and the Solar Alphabet
Members of the family use Solar Sigils and the Solar Alphabet in order to communicate with eachother and the Sun. The alphabet was designed by family member and calligrapher Finlay Cunningham in 2007. While it originally only had 26 characters, each corrosponding to a letter in the roman alphabet, it has since grown and as of writing this the alphabet now has 37 characters. But due to this change only being implemented in 2013, most writing that utilise the Solaris alphabet only use the original 26 characters.
The Sigil of Helios was designed right after the family was founded in 2004 and serves as a way for members to find eachother in both real life and online spaces.

The Solaris Base
The Solaris Base is a 4 story, 176 room adbandoned hotel at an undisclosed location which was bought over and renovated by members of the family in 2008. The Solaris Base is of high importance to the family, as it serves as both a place of worship and a home for the highest ranked members. The base consists of 4 main parts; The family dormitories, The cafeteria, The entertainment center and the Sun gardens.
The family dormitories take up the highest 2 floors of the complex and provide all 150 residents with a comfortable place to sleep, eat and preform various tasks to keep the sun happy. All residents are probihited to go to sleep at 10:30PM, which is when all doors in the complex will initiate an automatic lockdown sequence to make sure that all of our residents remain safe.
The cafeteria takes up the first floor of the complex and opens its doors for breakfast (8AM - 9AM), lunch (1PM - 2PM) and dinner (7PM - 9PM) where delicious and fresh food will be prepared for all members, keeping them healthy and happy.
Perhaps the most important and beautiful part of the base are the Sun Garden. This garden got its beauty from the corpse of the first sun, which lies buried in a tomb in the middle of the gardens, allowing it to spread life all across the gardens. The garden also contains the Solar Dungeon, which's titanium plated walls and vault door make it the ideal place for storing archives of the family history, so our legacy will live on in an event of mass desctuction and death, leaving the whole base in ruins.
The Suntouching festival
The Suntouching festival is an event organised by the family on every third sunday of the month, participating in the festival gives low rank members a chance to rise in the ranks and maybe even become a full time resident of the Solaris Base. The Suntouchings start at 1 PM and end at 5PM the next day. During a suntouching the participants gain full contact with the Sun and are even able to communicate with it, if this communication is done sucessfully the participants will gain the "Suntouched" rank, which has many priveliges over other ranks inclucing the option to become a Solaris Base resident and many other features for our non-resident suntouched members. During a suntouching the participant may not talk during the full 30 hours, as all communication must be with the sun and using your eyes (eye contact is required for communication but isnt required for the entirety of the event). It is also of high importance that the participant lays down on their back during the entirety of the event. Refreshments and snacks are provided by the family before and after the suntouching but eating and/or drinking during the suntouching itself is strictly prohibited. It is also of extreme importance that the daytime temperature during the event reaches 70 degrees farenheit at a minimum, if this is not the case the festival may be cancelled or delayed.