About the Sunshine Society
The Sunshine Society is a family of likeminded individuals who believe in the unmatched power of the sun, the family was founded in 2003 by Joep van der Vorst (Myself) and since then it has been home to hundereds of enlightened individuals, all of who worship the Sun and prevent it from crying. The family was founded in 2003 after Joep recieved a message from the second Sun itsself after the first Sun had died of sadness, and just 11 years later the family stands strong with more then 750 members from all across the globe, most of which contributing to the family using the internet, and some of which contributing from the Solaris Base at an undiclosed location in the United States.

About Joep van der Vorst
Joep van der Vorst was born on May 5th 1978 to his parents William and Ophelia van der Vorst. He grew up in the small dutch town of "Bergen over water" but in 2001 he would move to America in search of love. This search would prove sucessfull as just a year later, in 2002, Joep would mary his beautifull wife Krunkel van der Vorst. But on his 25th birthday in 2003 everything changed, Joep would recieve a sign from the Sun itself telling him that its crying and something needs to be done about it. The Sun told him it was the second of its kind and that the first Sun had died because it was crying too loud, ever since he recieved this sign Joep has dedicated his life to the Sunshine Society and keeping the sun from crying too much so the incident doesnt repeat itsself.